Join us on a journey where you will experience the Text in life changing ways. A journey designed so that you become more deeply rooted in God’s Word, the true Living Water, in order to become what God visions us to be; a source of life to a hurting and broken world. Walk with Eric along the “derech” - the Way as we study the lives of our ancestors of the faith and experience God’s story in the lands of the Bible! Join the call God put on Abraham’s life: to be a blessing and reflect God to the world. Walk in the footsteps of Abraham, Rachel, Moses, David, Herod, the Disciples, and Paul all the while keeping one eye on the path and one eye in our Bibles. Learn how God continually shaped these Biblical characters to become people of the text, (a life giving force to those around them) bringing shalom, order, to their worlds; and how He intends to do the same with us today.
Abraham Joshua Heschel once noted: “What the world needs is less text books and more text people.” Like no other before him, Jesus epitomizes the Acacia Tree, the walk, a Text person. Jesus' call to all who desire to follow him is that we strive to be Text people. As we walk in the footsteps of Jesus we will see how he lived out the text in both his teaching and actions and thereby learn to be more like him. Our hope is that as we read the text in the land, what some call the 5th Gospel, the scripture will come alive with the pictures God has painted in the text as we seek to understand more fully the people, culture, and context of the land of the Bible.
As one Rabbi described the experience of walking the land, “The text goes from black and white, to pages of vibrant color.” Colors that will only grow brighter as participants dive deeper into the text years after returning home.
JUNE 15 - JUNE 26, 2022